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Local hotel flooded

Local hotel flooded

Storm Dennis and torrential rainfall hit the South Wales area, it was during the storm that part of the roof had been removed at The Miskin Manor, a grade 2 listed hotel. The hotel has regally resided amongst glorious Welsh countryside since the 10th Century and is used for numerous weddings, events, Sunday dinners, business meetings and functions. Towards the middle of February temporary roofing had been erected however water continued to enter the property whenever it rained. We were not appointed to deal with the damage until June 2020 as the hotel closed to the public due to lockdown restrictions. We were appointed by a local loss adjuster who we work closely with to attend to inspect the damage and compile a report. On our assessment we discovered that rainwater travelled through numerous bedrooms within the hotel down through to the kitchen and corridors, affecting various floor coverings, ceilings, and décor. Part of plasterboard ceiling had fallen in the corridor; water then came to a rest on the main function room affecting the wooden flooring and ingressed beneath the safety flooring of the commercial kitchen.

Whilst we were onsite at our initial visit, we were approved to appoint our electrician to make safe all the electrics affected which also enabled us to install stabilisation equipment to prevent any further damage to the hotel structures/materials should further rainwater continue to enter the building. We returned to the hotel once the new roof had been put in place and the property made watertight. We proceeded to uplift and dispose of all the glued down safety alto floor covering in the kitchen, floor coverings from corridors, bedrooms, hall, and removed the stabilisation equipment. Differing drying regimes dependent on the construction floor/wall types were installed. It had been identified that trapped moisture remained below the tung and groove timber floor in the main/large function room, to enable us to dry this area we installed a positive pressure drying system into the void to aid with drying of the sub floor below and remove the excess moisture. Passing on major cost savings and causing further customer disruption by restoring the wood block flooring rather than uplifting and replacing.

Once drying completed the holes that were drilled into the wood floor were finished to give the wood notch effect, the whole floor area then required stripping back to the natural wood and a finish re- applied, as per the above before and after depict.

We were able to continue works to the hotel throughout lockdown due to our key worker status and the support of our dedicated staff whilst ensuring that Wales Government Covid 19 and all relevant health and safety risk assessments and method statements were clearly defined and adhered to throughout the claim lifecycle. The managing director of the hotel passed on their thanks to ourselves for our consistent feedback and timescales which enabled the hotel to reopen in a structured manner.