One Stop Fire Restoration Shop
By recruitment of key skilled staff Rainbow International South Wales and Bristol are now offering a one stop restoration solution which includes buildings reinstatement work.
Our buildings reinstatement solution means that when required we can deal with the restoration project from start to finish and provide the client with a time efficient and professional service.
Rainbow International South Wales & Bristol have recently been called out to a fire in a property in Cardiff. A laundry basket had been set alight in a bedroom causing major fire damage to the room and smoke damage to the flat, affecting, walls, ceiling, flooring and contents.
When a room gets affected by smoke or fire damage, the smoke tends to travel into every room in the property. Luckily for this property the smoke damage had been contained to this flat only and did not spread to the other flats in the building due to the fire doors in the property.
We were appointed by a housing association to deal with the structure of the property only. A full structural fire clean has been carried out to the structure. We had to uplift the vinyl flooring, remove the blown plaster on the ceiling and affected walls. Seal the walls to prevent the soot re-surfacing once painted. Paint walls, ceiling, doors, skirting boards, 6 cupboard doors and replace and fit vinyl flooring.
The housing association were very satisfied with the works carried out and in a timely fashion to get the tenant moved back in.