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Soda Blasting

Soda Blasting

Rainbow International South Wales & Bristol were contacted to attend site and view a property which had suffered extensive fire/smoke damage to the interior and exterior structures of the building.

Rainbow were instructed to attempt removal of the scorch marks to the rear of the building.

Using our extensive knowledge of property restoration of over 25 years, it was determined that the best way to remove the scorch marks and staining was by soda blasting.

Soda Blasting is an extremely friable and soft material that undergoes micro fragmentation on impact, taking away surface materials without damaging the fabric of the building.

Soda particles fracture on impact thus creating energy for a thorough cleaning action, while softening the impact on the substrate.

Soda Blasting is done without using water or hazardous chemicals, therefore not causing damage to the building structure and is environmentally friendly.

This meant that the smoke residue of fire removed from all the fabric types from the building and the customer was happy with the results. The windows need to be replaced and then the property cleaned inside, sealed and re-decorated.
