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Protect Your Home From Water Damage: 4 Steps You Can Take Today

Protect Your Home From Water Damage: 4 Steps You Can Take Today

With the shortest day behind us, it can feel as though we are on the cusp of spring, however, today’s weather forecast is promising yet more wet and windy weather.

Over the last ten years, Q1 rainfall is typically the second highest rainfall quarter, responsible for around 40% of annual rainfall in the UK (according to Statista).

However, it isn’t just homes prone to flooding that suffer water damage.

Cold weather can cause water pipes to burst, leading to an escape of water, and damp issues can become worse with more water and less opportunity for damp to dry out. There are many ways that water damage can affect your home at this time of year, but you can take measures to reduce the risk or damage caused.

It isn’t too late to take these simple steps to protect your home from water damage.


  • Clear your gutters.

All of the leaves are down now and with free-flowing gutters, rain water will be channelled away from your home reducing the likelihood of damp getting into walls and causing a problem.

If ladders aren’t your thing, call your local Rainbow branch and arrange a gutter clearance.

Whilst you’re up there, check your gutters are all securely attached and connected too, as this will reduce the likelihood of any damage in high winds.

  • Remove any leaves or branches from flat roofs.

This will give the roofs a chance to dry out and less opportunity to cause structural damage.

  • Lag pipes.

Reduce the risk of pipes freezing and splitting by lagging those that are outside or are in unheated areas such as the loft or the basement.

If you’d like to find out more about how Rainbow can help you prevent or recover from water damage in the home or workplace, contact us on our 24/7 hotline by calling 01624 422 488. With over 60 branches of Rainbow around the UK, we’re bound to have a branch near you.
